Multi Skin Selection Installation Guide

This is the installation guide for the Multi Skin Selection modification for Web Wiz Forum, follow the instructions below to install and setup the modification on your forum.

Fresh Installation

  1. Make sure you back-up your database and forum files before continuing.
  2. Copy all files (excluding the 'Read-Me.htm' and 'Version-History.htm') to the respective folders of your forum, replacing the original web wiz forums files.
  3. If you wish to use the wish to store the users settings in the database then run the 's2h_setup.asp' file by typing the path to your forum and then the file name, for example
    Note: MS Access is not supported, you must use the Cookie method.
  4. Once you have run the 's2h_update.asp' file delete it from your forum directory for security reasons.

Upgrade Existing Installation

  1. Make sure you back-up your database and forum files before continuing.
  2. Copy all files (excluding the 'Read-Me.htm' and 'Version-History.htm') to the respective folders of your forum, replacing the original Web Wiz Forums files and previous modification files.
  3. If you have run the set up file in the past you do not need to do so again so delete the 's2h_update.asp' file from your forum directory. If you have not but wish to use the database follow Step 3 and 4 from the Installion part.

Set up

If you wish to store skin options in the database open the 'includes/s2h_skinfile.asp' file in Notepad (or similar) and change the option 'blnS2HSkinUseDatabase' to True. Make sure that you have followed Step 3 from the Installion part first.

Add New Skins

Read our tutorial on how to add new skin options to your forum.

Language Translation

To set the modification in your native language edit the file 'language_files/language_s2h.asp' replace all the values with your own language. Make sure you keep the quotation marks around the phrases, otherwise you will generate errors on your forum.

Powered By Link

This modification has a link back to us, this is for the hard work we put into these modifications. The "Powered By" link is completely optional.

If you decide that you do not wish to link back to us then you can purchase a license to remove the links.